Cooking frogs and eating elephants

Cooking frogs and eating elephants

Hello there Blog world. I’m Dr Barto. It’s been a LLOOOOONNNNG time since I’ve posted anything at all. I feel like introductions are in order. There have been some things going on my life that have taken higher priority over the blog. We’ve...

DIY Laundry Detergent in 15 minutes

There’s no doubt about it, you wash clothes at least once a week. I bet you rarely thought about what’s in your detergent beyond which one will make your clothes smell the best. I think for a lot of people they don’t consider this until they have a...

Let’s talk about tongue-tie

I remember when my oldest son was a little over a year old our pediatrician sent us to a specialist regarding his possible need for a frenectomy—a surgery to remove a small fold of tissue between his front teeth. At the time I had never heard of a frenectomy and was...