Some of the most important decisions we can make as parents are those concerning how we choose to nourish our children, and ourselves. I understand this is no easy task! There is an over whelming amount of information and much of it conflicts. What was good yesterday is cancerous today, or it was dangerous yesterday and healthy today…its enough to make your head spin and give up!

As this blog grows, I’ll have an abundance of information regarding the choices I’ve made for my own family and how we’ve moved to implement. For now I’d like to share some basic rules.

When moving towards a healthful diet, we should always focus on sufficiency before purity. There’s no lack of information about the toxicity of so many food choices, and I’m sure you’ve uttered the words, “nothing is safe to eat” at least once. But here’s the thing, if your family is already eating and loving foods that aren’t healthy, taking them away is going to cause a war! The first thing to do is provide your family with sufficient nutrients. Once they are use to eating vegetables with their tyson chicken nuggets, then you can start working on the purity of those chicken nuggets.

My next rule is to stop stressing over it. Negative emotions create damaging biochemistry – it makes our bodies weaker. If you’re freaking out over the harmful food you’re eating, you’d doubling your toxic load! Toxic food + toxic thoughts move your further from health than Toxic food + Positive Thoughts! Do your best and forgive the rest!