This is a common practice and one that most people believe is healthy. Unfortunately that’s not actually the case, much to everyone’s surprise.

Olive oil is a healthy oil, or can be if it’s good quality – but I’ll save that for another article. We’ll assume you’re using a quality oil and in that case olive oil absolutely is healthy to use in its raw form, usually as a salad dressing. However, olive oil’s chemical make up makes it rather heat intolerant, and greatly reduces its healthful properties. So when cooking, this should not be your go to choice.

Also, skip that canola as most canola is GMO and therefore something to be avoided. Though non-GMO canola can be found.

So what to use?

Coconut oil is a great oil to cook with, though it lends its flavor readily and that may not always be desirable.

Sesame oil is also heat tolerant, and has a milder flavor. Not surprisingly, it’s a great choice for stir fries, but don’t limit its use there.

Almond oil

Organic Raw Butter

Yours in GREAT health,
Dr Barto