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In the last edition of Pathways to Family Wellness Magazine there’s an eye opening interview with midwife, Ina May Gaskin. In the interview, Ina May talks about the wisdom lost to our ‘textbook’ knowledge of delivering babies. Alongside riveting storytelling and anecdotes, she compares the ideological approach where a doctor delivers a child to the empowerment of mothers who experience their first home birth.

I’ve never had a home birth, I delivered both my children in a hospital. When my youngest son was born I only made it to the hospital with minutes to spare. Immediately upon arrival, nurses yelled at me to “STOP PUSHING!” and to “wait for the doctor.” Unaware that I was even pushing, a nurse closed my legs as others rushed around calling for a doctor. My son (still stubborn to this day) decided on being born in that moment.

Before the frantic rush to the hospital I was lying in my bathtub with only my one year old son awake. An uncanny calmness came over me as thScreen Shot 2016-04-02 at 9.21.05 PMe contractions became increasingly stronger and I remember thing – longing to
give my baby, and myself, a tranquil beginning – I could just have him right here.

Now with the bright hospital lights and an overwhelmingly unprepared staff, I began to feel so anxious that I ever tried to leave. Yes, with my baby already crowning I tried to walk out of the delivery room only to be held back and reminded that I was having a baby.

Screen Shot 2016-04-02 at 9.21.11 PMOnce my son was born the staff told me that because of his excessive weight (albs, 4oz) they would need to draw his blood every two hours as per hospital policy and make sure he nursed more frequently. The first time I nursed my son he latched on perfectly and it will forever be one of my most beautiful memories, but after 24 hours of the staff pushing and forcing us to nurse more and more I was left chapped, bloody and tearful over the situation. I knew he was fine an healthy and didn’t need to nurse so much.

“I also knew they didn’t need to keep pricking his little feet to draw blood simply because they perceived him four ounces too big. But I allowed myself to believe I knew wrong.”

Honestly, if I could have given myself one gift at my baby shower it would have been a subscription to this magazine. What a difference it would have made in my pregnancy, birthing story, and confidence to parent. I have given subscriptions of Pathways to many of my friends and family because I know as a parent that informed choice is the key to a happy, healthy family. When we know better, we do better. There is no greater assault than feeling robbed of something because you didn’t have the knowledge to back your intuition and instead surrendered it to the whim of those who don’t hold your same values.

Whether you’re a midwife who chooses to gift each family a one year subscription with every birth, or a friend who knows the importance of giving someone the education and support to make their own parenting choices, Pathways thanks you for supporting us in our commitment to spread truth and build confidence in families all over the world.

Live Alive,


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