The Barto Think Tank
Cooking frogs and eating elephants
Hello there Blog world. I'm Dr Barto. It's been a LLOOOOONNNNG time since I've posted anything at all. I feel like introductions are in order. There have been some things going on my life that have taken higher priority over the blog. We've decided to and then opened...
DIY Laundry Detergent in 15 minutes
There's no doubt about it, you wash clothes at least once a week. I bet you rarely thought about what's in your detergent beyond which one will make your clothes smell the best. I think for a lot of people they don't consider this until they have a baby then they may...
Disliking your body won’t ever lead to loving your body.
"I'll be happy when I lose 10 pounds" "I can't eat that, I'm dieting" "One more lap to burn those calories" "No pain, no gain" "You have to suffer to be beautiful" "Oh, this old thing" Ever told yourself any of these things or something similar? Why is it we tell...
Vitamin K at Birth
A post shared by Marcella Piper-Terry Interesting points made about Vitamin K at birth by a brilliant pediatrician who remains anonymous: "You know what “synthetic vitamin K” enthusiasts don’t understand? The thought that babies (and all animals for that matter) have...
Let’s talk about tongue-tie
I remember when my oldest son was a little over a year old our pediatrician sent us to a specialist regarding his possible need for a frenectomy—a surgery to remove a small fold of tissue between his front teeth. At the time I had never heard of a frenectomy and was...
The only secret you need to know about getting stuff done…
It's been a week of a lot of growth for me. There's been a bunch of stuff that I've been wanting to do and I just haven't been doing it. It's stupid. Not the stuff I want to do. That's not stupid at all. But not doing it is. I am the definition of analytical. And my...
Power’s On
I've had som electrical difficulties in the office for the last week. Sure, being a business owner may seem quite glamorous, but ugh! I'd be super happy if I could just show up at the office and adjust person after person all day long. But, the silly stuff that...
You are not enough.
It's far past the time for me to share my thoughts on this. Without a doubt I'm going to ruffle some feathers and make quite a few people uncomfortable. However, growth comes with stepping outside of our comfort zone and challenging our current beliefs, so I ask that...
Chiropractic care helps relax your pelvic floor
If you've been around the natural birth community, hopefully you're familiar with chiropractic care often being recommended for expecting moms. Not just because chiropractic is highly effective at alleviating the back pain that so frequently comes with a growing...
The Simple Truth About How Your Body Works
Most people go to the doctor because they think they have something they shouldn’t have and want to get rid of. But over the years, we chiropractors have come to understand that the problem when you aren’t feeling well is NOT that you have something you shouldn’t have...
Eat Well – Creamy Squash Soup
Talk about getting out of my comfort zone! I'm not very comfortable in front of the in not at all! This was my first go at a cooking video as well. Honestly, if I could have my way, I wouldn't do these videos at all. But there's a saying that goes when the...
Just Like Mike! Is The Story of This Idiot YOUR Story Too? By Kevin Donka, D.C.
The lunch whistle blew at the construction site of a large skyscraper. Each of the workers took a seat on a girder and began to open their lunch boxes. As the new guy Mike opened his lunch box, a look of great disappointment appeared on his face and he exclaimed, “Oh...