The Barto Think Tank

Innate Lifestyle: Baked Wild Salmon

Eating Well doesn't have to be hard - at all! We live a very busy life. I work late and the hubby takes care of both kids while making dinner before I get home. Sometimes he's juggling this with t-ball or bowling or fantasy football! So it's super important to our...

Your Best D-FENCE Against Seasonal Colds and Flus.

Fall is my favorite time of year. To me it means sweaters, snuggling under blankets, warms drinks and soups and lots of time with family.  I'm happy it's here and actually look forward to snow because building forts, snow angels and snow ball fights are so much fun....

Putting “Organic” Into Perspective

A pet peeve of mine is hearing "but eating organic is so expensive" as if it's an acceptable justification for a poor diet, so why bother trying. It's actually quite possible to have a poor diet that is also organic as the term "organic" does not equal "healthy."...

The Truth About Antibiotics and Why They Keep You Sick

This is a time of year when many people find themselves challenged with upper respiratory infections. The symptoms associated with the clearing of these infections can last several weeks and can be very challenging. Many people eventually end up going to see their...

Hemorrhoids are More Than a Pain in the Butt

My assumption is that you aren’t reading this unless you are currently experiencing this agony. You may have experienced this in the past and if you have then you totally know how much this situation stinks. While there are several over the counter options to soothe...

Happy Birthday Baby Girl

I once read "The days are long but the years are short." Talk about TRUTH! In just 2 short days, my baby girl will be 2 years old! I honor of my little monster princess. I thought I'd share her birth story.  Her story begins at one of the follow up visits I had at the...

My Thoughts on Advocare Supplements

My Thoughts on Advocare Supplements

A patient asked me today what I thought about Advocare supplements. Below is my response to her, tidied up for the blog post. First of all, Advocate carries a lot of products which makes supplementing confusing and comparison hard. For my analysis I focused on the...

Chiropractic for Animals

Obviously, I'm a huge proponent of Chiropractic. Since every organ of your body connects to your nervous system, it only makes sense to ensure that your nervous system is always functioning at its best. While a lot of people don't realize that chiropractic can and...

Stocking Your Healthy Kitchen 

When implementing the Innate Diet, it's important to get the right tools of the healthy eating trade. Nothing is more frustrating than picking out some healthy recipes only to realize you don't have the equipment to make it right. Below I've listed the essentials for...

Minimize Morning Sickness

I have several moms currently who are quite afflicted by morning sickness. I was lucky to have not been seriously affected by morning sickness. With my first pregnancy I quickly realized that taking my prenatal vitamins on an empty stomach or with insignificant food...

Eating Bugs

The health world has been abuzz lately with a constant stream of research regarding probiotics lately. But what exactly are these things and why or for what should you take these? Probiotics are a species of health-promoting bacteria. Yep, bacteria that rather than...

Move on, Constipation!

When it comes to Digestive health, an ounce of prevention is definitely worth a pound of cure. Fortunately, what it takes to maintain a healthy digestive system is the same that it takes to recover. Eat Well Eating Well means consuming a diet that is both pure and...

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Pittsburgh, PA 15239
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