The Barto Think Tank

O-M-Ga 3

You've probably heard about omega 3 fatty acids, and you've probably heard that you should least you should have heard both of these statements, especially from the person in your life you hold responsible for helping you make decisions that actually...

My Body Was Made To Birth This Baby…Yours Is Too

Quite honestly, I didn't want to get pregnant when I did. I was just beginning my 9th of 10 trimesters of chiropractic school. I forget what classes we had in the 8th trimester, but I must have been REALLY glad they were over and felt some celebration was in...

Sample Birth Plan

Below is an example of a sample birth plan. Use it to expand your research and adapt it to suit your birth desires! Dear Prospective Doctor, I have taken the time to type up a list of the things that are important to me for the care of the remainder of my pregnancy (I...

5 Items to Leave OFF Your Baby Registry

The first time I walked into Babies R Us I was amazed! It's set up like a home improvement store but filled with oh so cute baby stuff! It's so easy to go on a baby registry binge. After all, you're not paying for it and you're not sure exactly what you'll need....

Skipping medications kills more people than accidents…really CVS

This. Sigh. It's wrong on so many levels. In a lot of ways I'm not even sure where to start. It's only 144 characters, so I'm not sure where they got their this claim actually documented legitimately through literature as in research? Possibly...if...

Welcome to the Wellness & Prevention Paradigm

What paradigm you exist in is everything! This forms your understanding of everything you read and thus your beliefs. Your beliefs drive your actions. So if you're someone who is struggling with your health, then it's time to investigate your paradigm and see just...

Exercise During Pregnancy is Good For Baby’s Heart

A study published last week in Nature found that mice who exercise gave birth to pups with less congenital heart defects, though they say they aren't sure how the exercise helps. Our bodies were meant to move! And move throughout life. These researchers took mice who...

Cooking with Olive Oil…

This is a common practice and one that most people believe is healthy. Unfortunately that's not actually the case, much to everyone's surprise. Olive oil is a healthy oil, or can be if it's good quality - but I'll save that for another article. We'll assume you're...

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